Talking Points

Five Starter Questions

To identify the good things we experience as Catholics. as well as our concerns and room for improvement. All in a spirit of hope and readiness to listen respectfully to the lived experience and insights of other people. 

Taking part in the Synod is an expression of our commitment as Catholics and a means to express our hopes and dreams.

Get together with a group of friends - have a chat - or even better a series of chats. Conversation prompts are available below, for each topic.

We are working to a very tight deadline and ask you to send us your conclusions no later than Friday 28 February using the feedback page.

1 Good Things

How does the Catholic Church enhance your life?

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2 Concerns

Which of your concerns does the Church fail or struggle to respond to?

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3 What Others Think

How is the Church perceived by members of your family, your friends and work colleagues?

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4 Who Decides What?

What is your understanding of how decisions are made in the Catholic Church and how might the Church improve its decision-making processes?

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5 Dreams

If you could describe your local parish fulfilling your dreams and concerns for the whole world and the local community, what would it be like?

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